Why so little Primare gear on A'gon? Bad rep?

I notice that very little Primare gear appears for sale here on A’gon. Is that because those who own Primare products love them and never want to get rid of them? Or is it because Primare has some sort of negative reputation that I don’t know about, so very few A’goners own it in the first place?

As you might infer, I am considering purchasing some Primare equipment, specifically, a CD player. Probably either a used D30.2 or a new D21. Any thoughts on Primare and its CD players would be appreciated.
I agree with Tvad, since you don't see much Primare gear in the classifieds, if you buy it and don't like it you'll take a hard hit on resale. Now, if you can purchase a piece new from a dealer with a return policy at a reasonable re-stocking fee, then it may be worth the gamble; but dealers don't generally go there. Buying gear is such a hit and miss proposition you'd do well to purchase a player used at a good price, and one with good resale value.

I own a Primare R20 phono stage and it's exceptional! I'm VERY impressed with the Primare stuff, checked out their CDP at the RMAF and had it on my "to buy" list but couldn't find one used and there's no local dealers for the stuff. I ended up buying a used Cary 303/300 which I hope will make me happy (it's in transit). I think Primare is under-valued as a product line, as is Copland. Best, Jeff
I was looking for a new amp, and my dealer suggested a Primare I21 integrated. I wasn't expecting much out of a 75 watt integrated amp, but I was very impressed with the home audition and I bought it. I've had it for several months now and I'm very happy with it.
I bought the matching CD21 CD Player. It didn't knock my socks off, but it's a solid performer at a good price.
I poke around the classifieds and search for Primare, and I've seen as many as 10 items for sale at one time and as little as 2. I believe it's simply a matter of distribution in the US as most sellers/members are in the US.
For the 2nd year in a row I listened to Primare gear at RMAF in the Soundings suites. This year one of the two suites featured all Primare electronics driving a pair of Vienna Beethoven Baby Grands. Very very fine sound indeed. The second room featured the same primare CD21 (?) player costing a rather moderate $2.5K driving a JRDG Concerto Preamp, a JRDG 312 amp, and Vienna Mahler speakers. Sound was stunning IMO: no tizz at all; just beautiful grainless music full of ambiance and detail. I am especially taken by the fact that the relatively inexpensive Primare seemed to be so well matched to the rather more expensive components downstream. I am starting to wonder if Primare may be one of this industry's best kept secrets. By the way, if you have probs locating a Primare dealer, the fine Soundings gang in Denver (Co)) is at 303-759-5505.
I was with Guido in the Soundings rooms and was also very impressed with Primare. I think it is a matter of limited marketing and distribution. It's distributed by Sumiko, but I suppose dealers have to pick product lines based on regional demand. Primare was a brand I had heard of, but never gave a thought to prior to hearing the Soundings presentation. Now, it's on my list for any future electronics purchases. I feel the same way about Simaudio. A brand that has no representation in my area, DC. After hearing a stack of Simaudio gear driving Thiel 3.7s at RMAF, it's also got my attention. Brands like Audio Research have a great deal of momentum in a small industry which seems to make, for want of a better word, boutique brands barely visible in some cases.