Why so many angry audiophiles?

Just wondering. Music is supposed to soothe the soul. If you are in reasonably good health for your age, have a good system and good music to play on it you have it pretty good it seems to me. These are blessings! Be thankful for what you got?

Just a thought.  That's how I see it.
What about conversations with people who are lying?  Lots of tall tales told on this site. 
Bravo! Well Said. I agree with you whole heatedly. The only trouble is the people you are talking about won't read your post, ignore it or just flat won't understand it.
+1 @cal3713 
Don't know if "angry" is the right word @mapman - "condescending, know-it-all could easily be substituted.
This was posted in another thread. Had to share it here. Everyone should read it and can probably learn some things regarding anger and how to have more effective discourse with others. 

@rok2id ,

I am not sure there is any connection between "audiophile" and "music."

Unfortunately there is a tendency among us to take things too seriously. 

Every single show I've been to (plus a few demos) have had an over intense atmosphere prevalent. Sometimes even the demonstrators/designers/dealers get caught up in it. 

Usually the visitors are a group of taciturn, serious looking men trying to focus upon the sound with great intensity. 

It's often feels more like we're auditioning the performers rather than enjoying the performance. I'm usually exhausted towards 5 o'clock on such occasions.

With such high prices and livelihoods at stake it's hardly surprising that there are some strong feelings on display. 

Money always tends to do that, but the events of the past year will have done little to lower blood pressures either. 

Don't believe me? Well how about putting some money on the outcome of some hitherto uninteresting sporting contest and then watch how quickly it becomes an object of temporal obsession.

Fancy a snail race anyone? No? 
How about the outcome of certain vaccine delivery programs?