Why So Many Raidho Speaker For Sale?

If Raidho speakers are so great, why are there so many pairs for sale here?  These are not inexpensive speakers by any means and it seems at least every other day there is a pair for sale with some people having them only a few weeks to a few months, and they are really taking a bath on them.  What gives?  Are they not as great as they are made to be?  Is Jonathan Valin a shill for the company?

I heard the 4.1 diamond at Blink High End north of Boston and was very unimpressed.  I have heard many other highly regarded speakers for much less money sounding wonderful.  So, what gives?


I agree that a lot of equipment is overpriced, especially cables. There is no way in this world or another when a 2 meter piece of wire is worth 20K or more. Personally, I have always purchased cables used and spent perhaps 100-150.00 for each used pairs, same with speaker cables. You can easily get yesterdays great 500.00 cable for a hundred or so. I was in Goodwins last year and the salesman proudly showed me some MIT cables that were an insane amount of money, something like 40K! For that money, I would buy a nice new truck or a late model used Corvette. I laughed when the salesman showed them to me and he quickly lost interest. I left shortly thereafter and haven’t returned since.

It’s like my late father used to tell me, "there is an ass for every seat".

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Czarivey, I think you are in the right area talking about slave labour but pointing to the wrong direction, and you know what I mean. It is the South that won the civil war, and we are beginning to see more and more of the consequences of that. Interestingly enough, in some cases we see millionaires slaving for billionaries.
Nothing audio related is overpriced. Don’t buy it and it won’t be worth anything. Asking price means nothing. Just saw an add for Wavac amps, suggested retail is $350k. I’d say there are at least 100000 people in NYC area who can afford it.
Recently I took a look at all speaker offerings on Audiogon. To my regret, I think I found only two pairs that I would consider if I could afford them. Very different speakers - $10k JM Labs Utopia and $20k Lansche. And judging by various accounts they are worth the price.
I heard the D5.1's and D3.1's at the Munich Hi End Show last May.  The D3.1's sounded very good.  The D5.1's, disappointingly,  did not. The feedback we got there from a couple of rooms that used the D3.1's is that they are difficult to place in a room and are near field speakers requiring lots of space as others have commented. 

Comparing the D3.1's to the ProAc K6's, I far preferred the ProAc's.  Less room sensitive, way better bass and less that half the price.  And ProAc gets its cabinets made in Denmark.