We can judge each single set by Tru-Fi and all sets at shows are incomplete. We can explain with facts what is missing. This is why Tru-Fi outperforms any way of the silly trial and error.
Beside this people in audio almost have no knowledge in electricity, smog, acoustics, music, magnetism and many other parts.
This is why only a very small % of the whole quality of a loudspeaker could create is being used. And that is why buying very expensive audio stuff is not the answer.
When we visit clients the first time I often give an indication of how low the % is what they are using of the loudspeaker. At shows you see the same kind of poor level.
The main reason why people sell their stuff all the time for new parts is based on the fact that any kind of 2 dimensional sound never will be liked for a longer period of time. This is based on our emotion.
With 2 dimensional sound (most people own a 2 dimensional audio system) the distance between you and the music is bigger. When you go to a 3 dimensional sound it connects you so much more with the music.
In over 7 years of time we brought many people from 2D to 3D systems. We never will sell any kind of 2 dimensional audio again. It influences people a lot.
All the people who own a 3 dimensional set now use their sets so much more often and for a longer period at the same time.
I did run an audioshop from 2007-2009. I had a 2 dimensional set always set up and a 3 dimensional set. When you let people hear the difference between the 2 you see in their exitement and face how big the differences are.
And now comes the most important part. I learned in this period that when you let women listen to a 3 dimensional system they also start to like music and audio a lot more. Many of the women of my clients use the 3 dimensional sets of their partner. When this would be a 2 dimensional set they never would have used it.