Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?

Having owned many good turntables in my audiophile life I am still wondering why not one of the modern designs of the last 20 years is able to beat the sound qualities of an EMT 927.
New designs may offer some advantages like multiple armboards, more than one motor or additional vibration measurements etc. but regarding the sound quality the EMT is unbeatable!
What is the real reason behind this as the machine is nearly 60 years old, including the pre-versions like the R-80?

Sorry terry 9 but I need to add the following. The so called ''universal

quantifier'' (all, some, etc.) imply many variables. We are not able to handle ''to many variables''. But  there are also numerical quantifiers. Say there are exactly 3 or 4 conditions  which object A needs to satisfy in order to be used for F. I think that we use numerical quantifiers (variables)  in our discussion without being aware of this.

I never come across of more as 5 of such conditions in any thread.

Are we still talking about turntables, their pros and cons? When arguments are missing maybe because one has no experience with the unit itself or one likes talking about people rather than the subject or just developing other sideways it always shows me that is a waste of time following these misleading thoughts. For 10.000 I would go for as many 927s as I could :-)

Dear tuchan, As Aristoteles stated: ''amicus Plato sed magis amica

veritas''. Whatever number of TT's you compared with each other

this number can be expressed as a numerical quantifier. Say 12 TT's. But you generalized your experince by induction by stating that

''no other TT can beat the EMT 927''. This make no logical sense

as I try to explain with the distinction between ''universal'' and ''numerical quantifiers''.

We all know that there are more TT's in our universe than 12 and also assume that you deed not compare them all with each other.
I was probable wrong with my $10000 price for your beloved EMT 927 but this was meant to be as provocative as your ''general statement'' about ''all TT's''.

Dear Nandric,
I was asking "what is the reason why no other TT can beat the 927?" (at that time) which is different to your statement "no other TT can beat the 927". I think we worked out quite some reasons. You as a "master of logic" should not tend to interpretations which are more or less as subjective as our assessments are...

Dear Thuchan,  American philosopher Nelson Goodman caused

much disturbance by questioning ''law like'' character of some

predicates. Say ''all emeralds are green''. Law like means that all

instances observed till T1 were green obviously confirming the

''green property'' of emeralds. But what about all emeralds being

green at T1 and then observed at T2 to be ''blue''? We are used to

use the Greek (metalic) way of describing people. Say ''Henry is honest like gold'' and Peter ''strong like iron''. But when Henry robbed a bank and seduced the wife of his friend we feel somehow ashemed and state: ''Who would believe   such a thing about Henry? This imply ''nobody would believe such a thing and that is why I also made this mistake''.

If I understand your argument well you meant all TT's at time T1

 but deed not meant TT's there after ? This would imply that

qualification  ''the best'' does apply for the time T1 but not thereafter.