Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?

Having owned many good turntables in my audiophile life I am still wondering why not one of the modern designs of the last 20 years is able to beat the sound qualities of an EMT 927.
New designs may offer some advantages like multiple armboards, more than one motor or additional vibration measurements etc. but regarding the sound quality the EMT is unbeatable!
What is the real reason behind this as the machine is nearly 60 years old, including the pre-versions like the R-80?

said; I would like to believe that at least one beats it. :wink:

Only way to find out is to compare and even then that's subjective on it's own specially if one has never actually heard a EMT 927 and comparing.

I have yet to come across any of your tables locally in a system nor on the forums from other user's commenting, why is this. Is there a lack of your designs out there, I have vaguely read they are very costly but really not sure of the actual cost so how much does one of your table designs actually go for and what's included and where can one see-touch and listen to in a system.

They are $36,000. It takes many, many hours to build even one, so I make very few of them. No tonearm comes with the turntable.

I do not sell through dealers, but I may make it to RMAF this year. If you search the archives here, you will find comments of Audiogon members who have heard the Saskia turntable. I am proud to be able to say that their comments are extremely favorable. Admittedly, it is a rare beast.
Dear Henry, Before man started to wear diamond earings Patek Philippe was 'the' jewel for man. So it is not about technology but about fashion and riches. However the connection is showing off with what we own.

Hi Mosin,

Thx for that information, I'm sure Thuchan and others would be up to the task to compare one of your tables so are you up to that task.

Ya unfortunately searching the archives provides very limited information about your table which are vague anyways, I have read discussions in the past years where you were asked specifically more technical questions about your design but have declined saying you want to keep such as a secret.

The only information I have gained was written in a 6moons blurb; showed a picture of a table saying it was a new OMA product blah! blah! patent-pending with the motor controller done by Mark Kelly. The deck being designed by you Win Tinnon, machining by Colby Lamb and that OMA did the slate fabrication.

That was all talked about back in 2008, then you have member Robyatt posting also back in 2008 and wrote; "I heard the Saskia Idler drive TT at Oswalds Mill Audio the other day"

Care to comment!!!

My following comment is not be taken personally but if your table is that great and if I was you I would put this question to myself "why aren't there more owners of my tables out there"
TTweights, technology itself, hoewever advanced, does not gurantee anything. The unfortunate marketing figures of merit "W&W below 0.0000000x%", "axis polished to xx um", etc are useless in on their own. We've learne that lesson with THD in amps. Sonic resluts are important, not technologies.