Why Would a Turntable Need More than 1 Arm ?

Sunday afternoon, just browsing the $5k and up turntables...why would a TT need more than 1 arm ? To try different cartridges ?

Do you think I could hear the diff between a $10k TT and my PF1000, same cart and stylus ?

Showing 2 responses by stanwal

Ask Raul, he has more arms than a giant squid. Seriously, some like the convenience of having more then one cartridge always available; big mono collection, just like to have different presentations of the music, whatever. My two phono stages can be connected to two turntables[or arms] at once so I can demo more than one table without long hook up period. I once used two arms but ended up using one all the time; but if you like playing with cartridges multiple arms is a great way to go. Yes, you could hear the differences. ALL turntables sound different and the more expensive ones are almost always better. Worth it? Your call.
Birdliver: a mono cartridge will give better results than summing the 2 channels of a stereo one but the switch is worth using if you have one. The mono is doing the job it was intended to do while the stereo cartridge will have movement in a plane that does not exist on mono records, it will work but not as well. Also added complexity is always best avoided, i.e. single channel to stereo signal back to mono.