Wich high end CD palyer?

I want to buy a new CD palyer to replace my Meridian G 08, I already tested the Meridian 808,wich I found excellent.

I would like to receive suggestions about what else I should listen to.

The budget is up to 12.000 euros ($ 14 K), even if I could go higer in case it is worthwhile.

I live in Europe then we should stick to products available here.

Thank you
Ccereda- 14k and higher if it's worthwhile?
It's almost impossible to imagine a less than stellar performer at that price. I presume you're asking because you desire value, even with your budget. You didn't list your equipment and, particularly for you, system synergy will be everything. Unless I'm totally out of the loop, I don't think there is a daunting number of super elite players. I would contact every high end retailer around and let them shoot it out using your system.

PS. If you like my advise, can I have your G08?
Hi Ccereda,

It depends on your system. To my opinion the following CD players are excellent:

1. Wadia 861 or the new 581 (with SACD option)
2. Audio Aero if you like tube amp type of sound.
3. Mark Levinson 390S, old but still good.
4. Krell KPS28C, plays excellent in an all Krell system. If you do not have everything from Krell then it is a matter of testing.

Do not beleive other peoples opinions, no even mine. Only beleive your own ears. Everybody listens different and the only way to find out is to listen in your own system and take the one that you prefer.

But you can already make a preselection in the shop. Just skip the ones that you don't like at all and test 1-2 in your house.

If you are that serious about digital playback, prepare the same amount of money or more to purchase the power conditioner, good power cords, good digital interconnect and good interconnects from your DAC to your preamp. This is my experience for my Burmester 969/970 combo in order to get close to my analog playback which was with much lower investment. I have the Burmester power conditioner, two Vahalla power cords for my transport and DAC from the power conditioner, Nordost Vahalla digital link and Nordost Thyr(only good for CD playback) interconnect to my preamp. With all these, I could then hear what CD playback can do to rival my LP system.
The problem is your current cd player is already good. I see there is no reason to upgrade some more.

I believed that since u have such an excellent player, even if u upgrade to a better one. The improement will not be that's great & its not worth the money.

Why not take a look at your other items in your system for improvement ?

If u really wanted to, u can stick with your current brand or go for seperate transport & DAC.
U can check out on this site for recommendation. I believe there is a refernce DAC started by Teajay.

Please audit the item b4 buying as your ear is different from the other.
for the Money the Accustic arts new mk-2 player is excellent which is about 6500.00
if you have a 2x that to spend the Accustic arts transport and Mk-3 dac at around 11k is superior to anything at 2x the price ,and that is a fact .myself and a few audiophiles have tested from Teacs , to Reiymyo.
In resolution and musicality it was superbas well as superb balance ! It is funny I read the review in http://www.dagogo.com/AccusticArtsDriveI-DACIMk3.html
and after reading what I thought was hype ,was fact.
This sytem will give many very good turntables fits for the many things it does better.