Wife trouble

I am having trouble with mine also. What about a swap?
My wife has bad hearing. We are both senior citizens. She wears hearing aids during the day but takes them out when she is home. She can enjoy tv with wireless headphones, where she adjusts the volume so it can be loud enough for her and I can listen to the speakers, because I enjoy the ambiance and sound stage that you can not get from headphones. I have good MK speakers and a Yamaha receiver but I wanted better sound and I wanted to be able to talk to her during shows. We have to stop the DVR recording so she can turn off the headphones, we make our comments, and she has to restart headphones to continue the show. A pain in the a--.

Martin Logan came out with the new Masterpiece series electrostatic speakers last year. I had heard the Sequel electrostatic speakers in the late 1980’s and I was in awe with the clarity, speed, range and feeling I got from these speakers. I literally had goose bumps. The price for the speakers and necessary amps was way out of my league. I never forgot about them but I knew I could never afford them.

I started to take my wife to various headphone audio shows with me to see if I could improve our tv experience together and her enjoyment of hearing. We also listened to whatever speaker systems were available, but nothing really improved her experience. We went to one local Best Buy and found, back in the corner, a Magnolia audio shop. We looked at the tv’s and I walked into the audio area, just to see what they had. Our lives were changed. I saw these tall wire frame objects that looked like the electrostatic speakers of my younger years. I asked a salesman what they were. Martin Logan Expression ESL 13a, $14995 per pair. It was set up for 2 channel listening. With trembling anticipation, I asked to hear them. He put on an album and the goose bumps returned. It was as good as I remembered. Even though it was actually much better, my memory had evolved to be better than I probably heard. I called my wife into the room. She could see the excitement on my face, so she was not sure what to expect. She walked into the room and she froze. Even with her hearing aids on, she heard things she had not heard for decades. She heard the clarity, sharpness, and detail that the average person hears every day but those of us who no longer have that ability can only remember.

We compared the Martin Logans with the B & W 800 series diamonds that were also there and there was no comparison. The ML electrostatic speakers were in a different league. Most importantly my hard of hearing wife could easily tell the difference, something she could not do before. I gave them my credit card that day for the electrostats.

I have since purchased 2 pass lab amps, 1 emotiva 5 channel amp, a Martin Logan Focus center channel (just became available and a fabulous center). We now watch tv and movies in the evenings with no hearing aids for my wife. She gets to enjoy most of the fulness of audio that she has been missing for years.

My wife LOVES my expensive audio spending!!!! It has made our evenings together much more enjoyable. Thank you Martin Logan, Pass Labs and Emotiva.
I think if it were me I would be trying to figure out if she bailed  cuz the gear or because of some other reason. If it's truly the hi-fi,  then I would ditch the gear in furtherence of a relationship with a loved one. Get the relationship on stronger ground and regroup and try and slowly reintroduce hi-fi at a later time. On the other hand if she was going to leave irregardless of the hi-fi, and the hi-fi was just the scape goat, then I wouldn't get rid of it. Because it ultimately won't change anything. Only you can make that determination. 
My uncle brought me into this crazy addiction, as he puts it's a disease. But a manageable one. He always said, "We aren't into drugs, we don't gamble, we don't chase women, we aren't into drinking and raising hell, but the one little vice is we are into hi-fi". It keeps life interesting...

Whenever I purchase any audio equipment over a grand, I give my wife an equivalent amount to do as she want. Keeps me very careful about what I buy and she now loves my audio passion.
Firstonetallguy -- I was touched by your post, both as a man who also adores his wife and is genuinely interested/invested in her well being and happiness, and as an individual with acquired  hearing loss ( after the purchase of a 30k 2 channel system).  Thankfully my wife puts up with my hifi addiction ( she half-jokingly refers to her "stereo crackhead" husband when explaining our living room design motif to first time visitors of our home),  and my significant hearing loss only involves one ear. 
I would add that, in my pursuit of great sound and the audio equipment that would deliver it, I was mindful of not only the WAF factor, but my own aesthetic sensibilities.   As Mr Schroeder pointed out above, a wife doesn't want a garage for a living room -- and I don't either.  So I went with a Focal 2 way stand mount rather than Maggie's 

The love of my life for some 43 years has been most understanding of my Audio Indulgences. Over the years, she has worked with me patiently to arrange living spaces to accommodate the best sound and maintain livable aesthetics. We now have a 15 ft. wall of drapes on a wall with no windows, behind the Maggies, but she made them look good and it serves the need for dampening some unwanted reflections, so - win/win. We have the video room set up just off the kitchen which works well for her and the audio room is in the living room in another section of the house, which works well for me and we don't mind sharing each others space. A little patience and working together can make things work.