Wife wants a black faced receiver to replace Rotel

This is nuts...but SWMBO (she who must be obeyed) does not like the look of my Rotel 1056 receiver (driving 3 B&W LCR6 and 2-B&W in-ceiling surrounds, and feeding 2-Velodyne SPL 10s).

Everything was fine until I brought home the Sony KDL52XBR4 LCD tv and a black stand to put it on. Coupled with the black Directv HD DVR and black DVD player, I'm screwed...the Rotel sticks out like a sore thumb...

So, any recommendations for a comparable or better receiver for similar (or slightly higher) money? I love my Rotel...

Thanks for your help
Rotel did return my email. Faceplate is exceptionally inexpensive (<$60). Problem solved. Thanks!
Someone mentioned how they alternate between silver and black. The car companies do that between curved and angular bodies to make cars look old after a few years.

I would get a well ventilated cabinet for the electronics,and make sure it fits the decor of the room.
Jerry Rice! Black, silver or otherwise, they don't make them like him anymore, still the best. You'll be dancing with the stars.
Just finished my parts order w/Rotel. It was less than $73 for everything, shipping included.

Thanks for the help.