Wildly fluttering woofer

Without any kind of warning the left woofer of my Thiel 7.2 speaker started fluttering-the excursion was at least two inches. Won't happen with a CD. Tried another record and the same thing happened again. I have not switched speaker cables.
System: VPI Mark IV turntable with Graham Phantom arm and Dynavector XX2 cartridge, McCormack DNA 500 amp, Audible Illusions Modulus 3B pre-amp, Thiel 7.2 speakers, all wires are Audience. HELP!

Showing 9 responses by katz1

Rich, I would like to be able to continue this dialogue off site. You could try lanny@kishefoods.com. Hope to hear from you.
Thanks for your suggestions. I've recently movedy speakers and placed components on a new rack. Soon after there was some stylus instability/wobbling. I placed three products from Herbie's Audio Lab and cured the problem. I sent my Audible Illusions pre amp back to Art to check it out. Anticipating a wait, I found a Yamaha C60 preamp,used of course, to tide me over. I timidly tried some vinyl and no flutter. ALSO, my cartridge was tracking much to heavy. I'm hoping Art finds a problem with the preamp that he can fix and with the other steps I've taken I can listen without fear of a woofer fatality.
Dear Heyraz, After all the repositioning everything was fine for the two weeks after I installed Herbies devices. I'm waiting to hear how the preamp checks out. Thank you for taking the time. Katz1
Dear Heyraz, " I got the impression the original poster wasn't very hands on" is almost a compliment. I'm limited in knowledge and mobility due to a broken foot and a cast up to my knee and told no weight bearing. It was too difficult for me to reverse speaker cables which was my first thought. Somehow the tracking force was almost 2.6 gms which is strange since I'm the only person allowed to touch anything. I double checked the tracking force and set it to 2.0 gms. The arm is a Graham Phantom. Using a Yamaha C 60 preamp and correct tracking force there isn't any flutter. I'm hoping Art Ferris finds a problem with the preamp I sent him.
Thanks to everyone who offered their knowledge to "hands on". I'll post Art's comments when I hear from him. Katz1
Thanks for the Rook information. We might send them a sample of our Speciatly organic Guatamalan beans. Every lead is an opportunity worrh exploring.
Meanwhile no word when my 3B or the SDS from VPI will arrive. I can listen thru the Yamaha C 60 but the air and holographic sense are missing.
Regards, katz1
Dear Heyraz, I've enjoyed reading you so much that I've tracked you down via other threads. A worthwhile way to spend some of my downtime. I've never rolled a tube or changed a capacitor and I'm envious of you folks who get into the nitty-gritty of this hobby. At age 72( I'm too vain to use my hearing aids) I'm resisting my life long search for absolute musical realism with any further upgrades. I have to finally settle for good enough and stop the chase and enjoy the music and searching thrift stores in Los Angeles for the big score!
Regards, Katz1
I haven't checked my posting in a while hence the delayed response to your last post. Without sounding like a sycophant, your communication skills blow me away.
My left leg which has a Jones fracture of the fifth Metatarsal bone got another cast yesterday for another month. Don't know if I mentioned that I retired on April 17, bought a Honda Civic Si with six speed manual transmission two weeks later, and fractured the bone two weeks after that. So, the car sits!
According to Art Ferris at AI, my pre-amp checks out O.K. and will be returning soon. Meanwhile I can listen to music thru a Yamaha C-60 pre-amp with interestingly MM &MC(with variable loading).
Changing caps on my Thiel 7.2s is way beyond me and tube rolling sounds interesting but I'd still be hesitant to experiment. Maybe I'll run the idea past Art, although I can predict the answer. I will however engage the sub sonic filter om my 3B.
Since the pre-amp seems O.K., I have to consider that excessive tracking force may have caused the woofer flutter. Hope to hear from you again...
Thanks for taking the time to care, Katz1
Dear Heyraz, you might have fit another piece of the puzzle-the turntable is in a corner, I have always listened with the TT cover up/open. I too sit in the car and start the engine-it's better than nothing.
What happened to your neck and did you need surgery?
By the way, have you ever heard of the "Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain"? Check them out on you tube.
Regards, katz1
Reading your medical story was a harrowing ride. Since I'm an atheist, and don't believe in miracles, your'e one lucky audiophile. My "pinkey" story is, hands down" almost like a burp in comparison. I hope you buy lottery tickets because it seems you buck the odds.
Whenever I need a little pick-up I give the U.O.o GB a listen on you tube. A friend in London turned me on to them two years ago and I saw them live in Santa Barbara, California a few months ago. Afterwards my wife told me I had a grin on my face for the entire concert. They were almost as good as Versed and Demerol.
My wife started a "social enterprise" called Kishe' foods about a year ago. Her goal is to support small scale coffee farmers in Guatemala and also diversify their sources of income. It's a giant undertaking as my wife(2nd) has no prior business experience. We have 37,500.00 lbs. of green coffee arriving on the west coast in two weeks and we're still trying to develop a marketing plan. Please visit kishefoods.com and check out the web site she's building. Let me know what you think. We could use your writing skills.