What do you do about Electrical grid noise ?
You can bought for example, better power supplies, power conditioner, power cleaner or regulator, power harmonizer, etc
All these are electronic components that introduce noise of their own...They work by some filtration and trade-off operations in some range more than another...
The best they are the more they cost, thousand of dollars easily....
I dont have this money...
I try something for the last years on my own...
I use some minerals to passively filtrate the electro magnetic grid of my house to decrease the noise level, instead of active electronic components....
My best creation was the "golden plate" which is made of a shungite plate with a side covered with copper tape...The copper side always external to the surface applied on..
I use also other minerals with success...
The noise level of my main electrical noise decrease amazingly...
Low cost solution....
All audio system must be embedded in the electrical grid of the house....
The other embeddings environment are the resonance vibration mechanical embeddings...
The more important is the acoustical embeddings, i treat it not only passively but actively...
The 3 controlled embeddings are the only sure way for an OPTIMAL use of any audio system...
Cost nothing, except peanuts and all my ideas are implemented with homemade materials or very low cost products...
There is a total mutation in S. Q. from before to after the installation of the controls of the 3 embeddings for my audio system....Like day and night....
Before upgrading your electronic component at high cost, why not listen to their true potential before any move?