Will a good power cable replace the need for a PC?

I've heard mixed opinions on the use of a power conditioner. My question is, does the use of a high end power cable replace the need for a power conditioner? A local high-end retailer claims that the power cables he uses can run directly to a wall socket, and that a power conditioner can actually create more problems than it solves. I'm currently in the process of upgrading my cables and wondering what the best solution is.
Hmm, well I'll still need some type of surge protection/power strip. Now that Im thinking about it, I may be able to stick with the same one since I only really need conditioning to 6 devices at the moment. Once I get component amp's ill need a couple extra though. In the other PC thread, someone mentioned that they had audible compression of sound stage, etc. by connecting their amps to the PC, so I might avoid that, but no surge protection scares me.

How important is surge protection If my home has circuit breakers? I haven't actually experienced even one power surge that would damage equipment, but I guess the whole point is to have this bit of security "just in case".

So based on what Stanwal had said about what dedicated lines are, sounds like it requires in wall wiring and such. rewiring the home isn't really an option, especially since my living situation is constantly changing (I'm a student).

I've recently been looking at the Panamax PM-5400. provides power conditioning, voltage regulation, surge protection, 5 isolated outlet banks, and 2 high current outlets for amps. opinions?
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Interesting to know. I'm actually using a furman amp for my studio equipment. Works great. Thats actually how i first realized the potential of a power conditioner. Before I bought mine I was getting this irritating hum on every track when it should be silent. Its more noticeable when you can actually SEE the AC hum on your track. Bought the PC and it drastically lowered the noise floor. The furman I have is a rackmount unit, so ill have to take a look at their other options.
Anyone has good things to say about PurePower regenerators/conditioners?
Albert, have you tried it too?
As to power cords, they sound quite different to me but vary considerably with application and system; still a lot there not fully understood. Worth spending some money on or making up yourself but some of the prices are very high.