Will Changing my 100 Watt Tube Amp to a 200 Watt SS Amp Solve My Problem?

Hello All,  I have a 100 watt Audio Research VT100 mk II amp, with an Audio Research LS-25 preamp.  My speakers are relatively low in sensitivity, and I find that I must turn the volume up to 3 o'clock on the preamp to get enough volume for a loud listening experience.  When I do that, I am introducing more background noise.

I would like to achieve a quieter noise floor.  I am also curious about the limits of the 100 wpc amp with the Mira Monitors.  Would an older Krell 200 watt class A amp "control" the speakers better?  If so, what are the benefits of this?  There are a few amps on this site that caught my eye, all about the same value as my amp, so I can potentially make a move with very little cost.  Is this a good idea? How much wattage increase is necessary to get a significant enough difference?  Would a jump to 150 watt solid state be sufficient?

here are the 3 amps that caught my eye:

Ayre: https://www.audiogon.com/listings/solid-state-ayre-acoustics-v-5xe-amplifier-2016-02-05-amplifiers-h...

Krell: https://www.audiogon.com/listings/solid-state-krell-ksa-250-2016-02-14-amplifiers-91754-monterey-par...


You can see my complete system here if you want to know more about the other components:  https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/5421

Are you running a low output MM or MC? It sounds like you need a head amp or a SUT to improve the gain. I think your ARC tube amp is fine.
I still really think you need to either borrow gear from a dealer or friend.  You have 2 issues:  Noise and lack of volume.  A pair of 400 watt monoblocks will cure that.  Curing the noise issue might be trickier unless excess power solves all.  And yes, the Devialet might do it. However, it's going to be cheaper to buy new speakers...
^^ bigger amps won't cure this problem as it is not caused by amplifier power or the lack thereof.

I have seen problems with cartridges where the magnet structure was damaged and has caused low output in both channels. The Whest, while not my favorite phono section, is not known for noise, so right now I am suspicious that the cartridge might have taken a hit somehow and is not making the proper output voltage- hence the noise.

I would try a different cartridge to test this theory.
"minimum amplifier power recommendation of 50 watts."

AL, What speaker manufacturer does not say this..?? ROFL.
(please dont answer that)

All I was saying is that Mark should try a SS amp (of course one that will drive the speakers) .


I personally love anything Ayre makes...all my electrical components are Ayre ....extremely pleased.  However....It seems to me that your problem is not with your amp.