Will new power cords by my answer?

After years of buying, selling and upgrading, I finally feel I have assembled a system that's "this close" to what I'm listening for-but it's still missing something.
What I'm hoping to achieve is the following:
1. More resolution/clarity. Presentation sounds slightly veiled.
2. That elusive tighter bass.

I'm thinking new audiophile power cords-of which I have none, may be the answer.What do you think?

Cary 303 on a Townsend Seizmic Sink
Rogue 66 Magnum w/upgraded Mullards in the line
Odyssey Stratos
Harmonic Tech Pro Silway 11's IC
Nordost Blue Heaven Rev 2"s spkr. cable
All except Stratos plugged into a Monster Cable HTS 3000 conditioner
Snell Type D speakers

As always, thank you posters for your time and feedback!

Showing 1 response by zaikesman

I would not discourage you from experimenting with power cords (though I will say that the results will be very system-dependent, so don't take the above specific recommendations as gospel). But for what you say that you're still looking for in the sound, I believe you will eventually want to look at upgrading your speakers and amp/preamp setup. For the money, you undoubtedly have a nice combo. But if you want to take the next step, I'm afraid it will require a higher level of investment on these fronts. For what it's worth, when you begin, I would start with the speakers, move next to the amp, and lastly the preamp. I'm sort of in the same position myself, but aren't we all? Enjoy the madness.