Will preamp manufacturers tell you if the model is phase inverse?

I'm looking at the Primaluna Prologue Premium and the Rogue Rp-1. Neither manual says anything about switching speaker terminals. The Cary preamps DO say to switch terminals
Hi @pops,

don’t you mean the signal is inverting since your example cites one as non-inverting and two as interting? What am I missing?

No, that example is non-inverting.

All we're doing is adding the number of gain stages in the signal path. A non-inverting component has an even number of gain stages and an inverting component has an odd number of gain stages.

Think of it this way:

  • For a non-inverting component, assign 2 (or any even number).
  • For an inverting component, assign 1 (or any odd number).
So: non-inverting + inverting + inverting:
2+1+1 = 4.

Even number of gain stages = non-inverting.

Thom @ Galibier Design
You can use the Stereophile test CD to determine whether your polarity is correct