Will the ipod be the death of the CD?

Tonight on NBC News a segment on the final days of "Towers Records" closing. Record retailers are going out of busines because of the ipod and digital downloading of music from the internet.

There are some who say the CD will be gone in less than 5 years.

What the heck is ipod?

How is the sound quality?

Can I connect it to my 2ch audio system?


Showing 4 responses by jax2

Good question.

Very long answer, but I won't go there.

CD = digital music = music broken down into binary code or zeros and ones. You can store those same zeros and ones on any kind of hard-drive or medium that is capable of digital storage.

Greater resolution of a passage of time/music = more zeros and ones and more space required to store them.

Less resolution = less space required = more distortion = not so great sound for the discriminating person.

MP3 or various forms of low-resolution music = less space = less resolution = more distortion = not so great sound.

WAV file or Apple Lossless file (other, much larger digital files) = CD quality sound = verbatim resolution to the original CD.

iPod = a miniature hard drive with an audio interface to attach headphones or a line output. iPods have a built-in DAC to convert the zeros and ones to an analog signal that sounds kind of like music. It is mostly used for headphone listening and occasionally hooked up to stereo systems or various boom-box-like iPod playback systems. The sound is OK, but because you are limited to amplifying the analog signal produced by the less than desirable DAC in the iPod, it is certainly not high-end audio. It really depends on how discriminating you are, and what you enjoy. It is an impressive piece of technology.

I don't think the 5-year prediction is going to be so, but it is certainly not a long stretch.

Downloaded music is low-resolution (compressed) music and does not sound good IMO. Digital music can sound pretty darn good, and you can load high-resolution WAV files onto an iPod and have an enjoyable experience if you like headphones to get you through a workout, or some tedious work, for privacy, etc. For now, an iPod does not sound as good as it gets through a stereo. Far from it.

I like going to record shops too. I own an iPod and listen to it on average about 3-5 days a week while working if no other music is available. I never hook it to my system. I have tried it and it doesn't sound very good compared to other means at hand.

OK, that was pretty long, but one could go on in greater depth. Hope that helps. See you at the record stores, as long as they're around.

One thing it occured to me now to add to my previous post; as long as iPod playback is limited to the use of it's internal DAC to make the conversion to an analog signal, iPods will be a compromise in terms of any expectations of being an effective front-end to a high-end system. Apple did recently announce a digital/USB protocol that is supposed to be implemented which would enable getting a digital output from an iPod (perhaps). If that actually happens it would have very promising potential in terms of getting much better sound by using the iPod as a digital front-end source through a system.

Alternatively you can build a PC-based front end by ripping digital files to your computer at full or lossless resolution, using an external DAC. That method can certainly provide a very rewarding front-end and will give most CD players a run for their money. That method would certainly sound better than iPod playback.

As an addendum to T_Bone's recommendation of an additional head-amp for improved iPod listening; I've read a few reviews that put the Meier Audio $200 unit from Germany at the top of the heap for compact amplification. No experience myself with any of those units, but it may be a future investment as I do use my iPod frequently for similar purposes as Albert does. Vinnie, over at Red Wine Audio does do a modification to the iPod's line-out circuit that is supposedly an improvement over the stock circuit. I believe it's received some favorable press but I have no experience with it.

Marco, isn't the iPod digital in/out (the recharging and music loading in/out at the bottom of the iPod box) capable of producing a signal output?

Currently it is only capable of producting a line-output, which is marginally a better signal than the one through the headphone jack which goes through the internal op-amp. Digital output is not yet possible through any of the current iPods. this thread addresses that very subject directly. There are a few others as well. But that one dispells some false advertising on the part of either Monitor Audio or Audio Advisor that had suggested the contrary in their claims about the iDock.

T-Bone - haven't tried the Red Wine mod, but have tried drinking red wine while listening to music (but not on my iPod). I recommend a nice Zin or Chateau Neuf de Pap. Seriously, I haven't tried Vinnie's mods but I believe they've received some good press at 6moons. Vinnie is very responsive to emails as well. Knowledgeable fellow.

Bruce_1 - If you like the Parkay, have at it. I DO believe it's not butter though. Whatever works for you. Why are you concerned about these "listeners" you've enlisted to discern one from the other? What about YOU? Have you had someone try the same test on you. Take just one song that you're really familiar with and have someone play it back in both formats. Do it blind if you like. Listen through the entire song both times. If you can't tell the difference you've saved yourself a whole bunch of hard disk space, although that commodity is awful cheap these days. More to the point, try ripping a WAV file and a MP3 file of the same song and listen to it on your iPod with headphones. I'll bet you can tell the difference. If not, enjoy the music..whatever format it's in.
