Wilson Alexia 20x15 Room


I have vandersteen 5A and thinking of changing speaker to Alexia for bigger sound. Will there be any problem with my small 20x15 room. My other gear is all Audio Research

ARC Ref 250
ARC Ref 5 SE
ARC Ref 2 SE .
Furthermore OP has absorption everywhere front wall,side walls and absorption at rear walls behind listening chair.

It should be Diffusion at least w/side walls for best performance or nothing is even better that absorption.

Test by removing all absorption front side and back remove out of the room insert AQ DBW and listen,and see how you like it.
Replacing absorption with diffusion will get the joy and magic back in the system.
With too much Absorption we are killing the music's leading edge attack,overtones,harmonics even/perception on Height.
This is why OP also found that band aiding the system with a ringy wire kinda helped.
Try the experiment of Absorption removal and In-cert AQ
add Diffusion
Best JohnnyR
Excessive room absorption takes the life and natural vibrancy of music away. The resulting sound is dead and uninvolving.I'd give JohnnyR's suggestion a shot.

All my cables are AQ Sky and I upgraded to AQ speaker cables as you suggested . I have AQ Meteor in the system now ( I have to update my system details on audiogon )

I have absorption on first reflection points and front wall and diffusion on back wall. Might me I need to change that. I bought some core Audio diffusor for back wall.
I would try taking the absorption out in front- usually that's only for dipoles. I can't imagine absorption at first reflections being negative.
Take the core diffusors units and put them at the first reflecting points on the side walls.
To find the FRP place a mirror on the right side wall, sit down in your listening chair,
when you see the right speaker,
that's the place for the Diffusor.
next do the same for the left.
When you hear the improvement take it up a step further by diffusing the left speakers reflection off the right wall find this by placing the mirror on the right wall, when you see the left speaker that's where you place the next diffusor and repeat for the other side.
Keithr You got it half right, I see you ((cant imagine absorption harming)) Lets see what happens when he does diffuse Best, JohnnyR
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