Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

I met many people who invested a lot of money on acoustical treatment. This is inferior to the results of S.A.P. It is even a big laugh how big the difference is in result.

Our clients react the same way when they visit other shops and shows. They are all already in the new world of audio This world we will share soon. 

Then you all may give your personal opinion :)

Now does S.A.P. eliminate early reflections (such as those from your uncovered wood flooring) that smear time coherence? 

Audiogon is a lot of fun for me. I need to laugh all the time when I read the reactions.


When I take a look at most systems overhere at Audiogon it proves that systems are chosen by trial and error.

We will demo and proof that with Tru-Fi you always will create a superior level. We have proven this to many people already. The difference is we will share it now with every one.

We want as many people possible to bring them to a new level in experience their music. Tru-Fi brings audio much more close to how music sounds in real. And it proofs that the level of emotion and exitement is superior.

It will be here soon.......:)

Bo being empowered to hijack another thread for free advertising.....

Such innovation should easily support paying for publicity but granted free is more cost effective.

I would not rank Bo’s campaign as most self defeating I’ve seen but its up there. At least in these parts. I’m sure there are some out there with a budget seeking a guru who might buy into it.

In Bo’s defense, at least he puts it all out there with little obfuscation.  His goals are clear if not so much his unique innovative approach so good job there.

You just keep showing your ignorance when you criticize my gear. Just as you look ignorant dismissing Wilson. Take a good look at those tweeters on your favorite spurious artifact producing speakers - too tall for the job - technically inadequate for the job. You like spurious artifacts that give you your 3D circus performance. No doubt it is impressive. No doubt many audiophiles crave this kind of show. Others have different needs like accuracy, correct timbre, balance and ability to play at realistic sound levels without ultra low levels of distortion. Sorry but 3D SFX is not what I am looking for in audio.