Wilson Audio sophia 3 or Watt Puppy 6

hi evry one i am not american so sorry 4 my english.
I have now a pair of Watt Puppy 6 running with a Moscode 600
i love my system i love the music it creates,
however i may have a chance to upgrade to a pair of new sophia 3.
ps my 6's are at least 20 years old and in good running condition.
please share your thoughts on this possible upgrade.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xthesound

You are correct, it's very hard pulling the trigger on such a large purchase. The problem is my ears...I've listened to many speakers over the years and I submit the Sasha's are the best that I've heard for me! Your comments,"If your experience is like mine you will find that the 8's sound more like 7's and you will still lust for the Sasha's", are so true, because that's how I felt we the Sophia 3s. I'll make the decision within the next few days.
Room size for the speakers would make for a more informed discussion. If the room is smallish, the Sophia III is going to win in almost any circumstance, even against the Sasha. If the room is large enough, any recent W/P will have a room-matching advantage. But you don't get the Sophia's coherence and unified presentation until you move up to the Sasha W/P, and that's $10K USD more.

My room is 24' x 26'and today I decided I will get Sasha's. If all goes well, I hope to have them in the next few months.
Great call (easy call---cept for Dr. Green). Your going to love the Sashas in a room of your size.