Wilson Benesch-Great or just Okay?

On the verge of a buying decision.

Hoping someone with ownership experience

will educate me about the brand.


Much Appreciated!





“Good heavens!! And I thought Tekty had the patent on the crayola franchise!

Or did someone have fun with photoshop?”


WhooooooShhhhhhhh …. The sound of reality barely missing your cognisance

Whilst the nod to modern marketing WB Color options are a not to my particular taste they are still a Porsche 911 in a questionable Color scheme

The Tekton are a 1970’s Trebant hand brush re painted in a $5 leftover pot of paint

Wonder what Albert will say when he moves on from Tekton? Should be interesting!

@chorus congrats on acquiring the Fritz Carreras, great value for the money. 
Make sure you run them for 100 hours before listening critically. 
Initially, the tweeter might sound a little hot but that’s just because the other drivers have not caught up yet. After 100 hours, you will be treated to a very balanced, modern, crisp sound but without a hint of edginess or glare. Congratulations!!!

Another thing, these speakers are very transparent and faithful to the source further upstream. I could hear a difference with amps and cables very easily.