Dave_b, you are twisting my words out of context. I said "slightly darker up top". Again, I am not familiar enough with the MXR amps as this was the first time I heard them to really know if that is the sonic character of the MXR or the Sasha. Trust me, the Sasha will not disappoint in any performance parameter in a room of appropriate size for them with appropriate amplification.
I've heard many Wilson speakers before and this combination was just as dynamically impressive as Wilson W/Ps usually are but it was also very enjoyable, engaging and musical with a variety of music thrown at it.
I've heard the Alexandria X2's in that same room and the Sasha/Ayre combo while not being able to reproduce quite the same scale and overall visceral impact as the Alexandria X2/Krell Evo 900 combo, had a more engaging personality that drew me into music much deeper.