Wilson's new speaker the Sasha is coming.

THere is a teaser on their website. Looks beautiful if you can make out the images. I think it is a step up from the WP generation. Maybe a replacement.
Flyski referred to several points of comparison and explained why he made the purchase based on the audition and comparison--including listing components for context. His reference to "darker on top" seemed reasonable given comments others have made regarding older Wilson designs sounding prominent or bright through the treble. You seem to go out of your way to misrepresent what he actually wrote. This forum should have more first hand reports of that quality and less flippant condescension.
I can bet that sasha will not play as loud as WP or that prominant clear or imediatly. there is nothing for free. when we will see measurements of Sasha it will be lower sensitivity speakers because with warmer tuned tone- much more energy in 150-400hz comparing to all spectrum.
Samuel, I have owned several Wilson speakers amongst many other types by various manufacturers. The "Dark on top" comment was not explained fully and would be of great concern to most audiophiles...unless your an Ostrich!
Dave_b, you are twisting my words out of context. I said "slightly darker up top". Again, I am not familiar enough with the MXR amps as this was the first time I heard them to really know if that is the sonic character of the MXR or the Sasha. Trust me, the Sasha will not disappoint in any performance parameter in a room of appropriate size for them with appropriate amplification.

I've heard many Wilson speakers before and this combination was just as dynamically impressive as Wilson W/Ps usually are but it was also very enjoyable, engaging and musical with a variety of music thrown at it.

I've heard the Alexandria X2's in that same room and the Sasha/Ayre combo while not being able to reproduce quite the same scale and overall visceral impact as the Alexandria X2/Krell Evo 900 combo, had a more engaging personality that drew me into music much deeper.
That's a better answer Fyski. I didn't twist anything..jus wanted clarity. FYI, I've had the $20K cable rigs from Transparent and trust me, they are not Transparent sounding..especially when used as a complete solution. They still have that signature closed in/claustrophobic sound compared to MIT or Cardas etc... The MXR amps also have a slightly dark character up top. so no wonder you experienced a sense of opacity or darkness in the demo system:O_