Wilson Sophia III vs Sasha

Currently own Sophia IIIs and I've been contemplating going to Sasha's. Has anyone compared them in the same system? Your thoughts/opinions are greatly appreciated.

Talk to Casey about the Rives. He can help you. Also, most if not all of your treatments can be home made at a considerable savings. I can email you pictures of my room if you like.

The Sashas are the only Wilsons I've heard that I like.

When I listen to the Sophia IIIs I can still hear cones in an enclosure on certain tracks, an effect that completely disappears on the Sasha.

I agree that Sasha's are great; however it's about putting a system together. I have a concern about my amp being able to get the most out of Sasha's. I plan on taking my amp and preamp to a dealer to make sure they are capable of driving them. I don't want to get Sasha's and be required to upgrade my electronics. In the mean time I will try room treatment and possibly a sub.
I know Sophia 3s are great speakers. My priorities are spacing between instruments, imaging, and soundstage. I submit Sophia's perform these task well. My delima is how best to spend 10-15K? If Sasha's are significantly better at performing my priorities than Sophia's, will changing cables and/or electronics get me to Sasha's? I plan on at taking my amp and preamp to listen to Sasha's next week. I'm curious to hear the Sasha's with my electronics.