Wilson Sophia III vs Sasha

Currently own Sophia IIIs and I've been contemplating going to Sasha's. Has anyone compared them in the same system? Your thoughts/opinions are greatly appreciated.
Short simple and great advice:

12-11-11: Onhwy61
Your system is well balanced as it is. The recommendations for acoustic treatments are excellent, by far the best sound improvement per dollar investment you can make. As far as changing speaker go, the real question isn't whether you would spend an incremental $15k, but whether you're prepared to spend an incremental $40k plus upgrading source, cables and amplification? If you just can't live without the Sashas and money is not a big concern, then go for it. If you have to save up for the purchase(s), then most likely Wilson will have introduced a new upgraded version or model and moved the performance bar even higher and pricier and would you be happy with the Sashas then?

I see no downside in comparing my speakers to other speakers. Sometimes the only way to appreciate what you have is to compare it to what you think maybe better. Once I'm settled on speakers I will invest in room treatment and upgrading my transport.

I will post a follow-up next week. I went through this before when I had Sophia 2s. I listen to B&W and Magico, but stayed with Wilson and upgraded my electronics.

I look forward to reading about your experience as well. Where are you auditioning the Rockport Mira?

BTW, I did not forget about the pictures. I took them and i will email them tonight! Sorry for the delay but father in law had heart attack and things have been hectic.