wilson sophias to monitors

i am going to sell my sophias due to moving to a new house and smaller room the room is 12 by 20 by 8 , my girlfriend does not want the speakers as the main focus point in the room. so I am looking for a pair of monitors that can be placed about a foot from the back wall and a foot from the side wall.my budget is around $5000.00. Iam looking for something that is close to the wilsons mids .I really like the sound of the sophias. I have a BAT 300 and a Cary 303-300 cd player with vd master cables, any suggestions ???
two speakers that I am thinking about are the Dynaudio c1 and the Merlins any others ?
If I were you would purchase the biggest Wilson speakers I could afford to test your girlfriend's patience. All aside I was able to listen to the new B&W 805Ds @ $5,000 Retail. and they were great. Another great choice if money is no oject and I really liked them were the Magico Mini IIs(Another Girlfriend test). The Wilson Duetts have always sounded great every time I listened to them at the RMAF, which will sound even better in your home once you put time into set up.
As mentioned the C1's are really good. I'd also take a listen to the GamuT as well.
If you want something really transparent, the High Emotion Audio Bella Twins will do the job. They need to be about 1 to 1.5 feet from the rear wall and are very honest to 36 Hz.

But they are more detailed than the Wilsons, faster, yet very relaxed at the same time. The cabinets are extremely dead so this is one of the most uncolored speakers that money can buy, short of the low frequency cutoff. I hate to say it, but most of the speakers mentioned on this thread don't challenge it- the new patented tweeter technology these guys have really is a breakthrough!
Different girl friend or don't blame her and just say you want to go to monitors. Its one thing to act on what you know is best vs. just doing it to appease her and in the end nurturing resentment that grows and divides in the end.
Hey Atmasphere, I don't see any twins on their website...only bella 5 and 7 and pyra bella too...they are saying to go down to about 45 which is not enough for my listening, but 36 would be better. What Twins do you have in mind?