Wilson to Tekton to ????

Ok, here we go again.  I started 2 threads a few years ago.  "What did I do?" was the title of the first one. Look it up if interested.

This is what I did. I sold my used Wilson Sophia Series II for $1000 more than I paid for them. Then I spent most of that money on Tekton Moab speakers.   The system was in a really large room and the Moabs did not look out of place and the fact the actual speakers were higher from the floor gave me a sense of "Being There".  I loved them.

Now I moved to a smaller house, room.  These Moabs now look like I has 2 standing closets in the corners of my room. Black in color does not help.  But the sound is still very nice and I plan on buying the Townsend bases for them.

But I know in my heart that the Wilson speakers would be perfect in this room.

Here is what I have learned. Never Sell Anything. 



Thank you for raising this.  Downsizing is a big topic all by itself and worth discussing.

I turn 74 this year, fortunately my wife and I are both in very good health.  The issue is heightened for us as we don't have children.  But we certainly have a lot of 'stuff'.  We have different views on downsizing.  My wife says we really must start now and she has started going through her books and giving them to charity shops.

I have 4000+ LP albums; I know that's a lot less than some.  No I can't listen to them all but I want the option to do so.  I enjoy being around all the accumulations of stuff over a lifetime and don't want to get rid of anything while I remain able to enjoy it  OK I may soon round that final bend and be in the finishing straight; but when big bang time comes and I can't use it any more it can all go to auction sale.

That TkT Mo seems an overkill in that space, too much pressure in the room either sonically or visually. Not sure what the downgrade from Wilson is for?

Wilson’s I believe they are very very good stuff and beautiful? For them to sound right they have to be set up right. At Axpona I never heard them sound good at all ? I believe they are not set up correctly. For sure if you move to Tekton the nice furniture look of Wilson will not be there.But the MOAB won’t disappoint you my guess? I own two Tekton speakers both are good for my taste.

Iam now 65 , I am planing to buy the MOAB before I got my modified KLH model 9 panel speakers.Because I listen to classical large scale orchestral music.

Lot of comments in this thread from people who have never heard Tektons....may they celebrate in their superiority and be happy.


And you know this how? There are lots of posters on this site and you apparently know what each and every one has or hasn't heard.  Wow. You are very special. Do you go to Mensa meetings?