Wiring the SuperTweeter

Hi all,


I need to connect a supertweeter that works in the range of 15 kHz-80 kHz.


Since I don't need a very large physical wire, I thought about using a silver or copper interconnect that should have enough AWG to do the job while being flexible and easy to handle.


I can use either single solid core type or 4 insulated quasi litz cable, 20 AWG or 15 AWG. 


What would be your recommendation. Do supertweeter needs larger AWG or the smaller the better?


Cable length is about 3.5 meters. 



@rsf507 thanks for the input. Belive it or not I have tried to connect ST to loudspeaker binding posts (0.9 m) and directly to amplifier outputs (3.5 m).
In the second scenario ST sounded better. I assume that this way the cable conducts only frequencies required by ST.

@phusis thanks for the input.
Mundorf Mconnect ACW210-BK/BU Angelique solid core wire, 2 x 1mm in PTFE can also be interesting. 

@milimetr wrote:

Mundorf Mconnect ACW210-BK/BU Angelique solid core wire, 2 x 1mm in PTFE can also be interesting. 


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