Women who enjoy quality speakers

In my former marriage i was introduced to high end audio by my husband.

At the time the endless visits to highend shows , meetings and shops annoyed me. Tech talk and not very female friendly designs came and went in my living room.

And although i couldnt get used to all of the above, one thing i learned , how to listen.

Now years further , in my second marriage quality audio wasnt a very well know topic of my husband working in tech. Mediocre cheaper hifi dominated the house, which looked even worse and sounded even a lot worse.

When we talked about new speakers and bang and olufsen was mentioned i knew i had to educate him , to let him know whats on the market and how things can sound.

The revelation ended in buying avalon speakers and simular quality equipement and cables.

Now its up and running i really enjoy music again!

Who would have thought that!

I have never seen a lot of other women enthousiastic about quality sound and music. Are there any in this group? Do your wifes experience the same as i did?

Wishing you all a very musical festive season,

A very happy wife,


Some people, including women, simply do not care about and are not moved by what we audiophiles call sound quality. Much of my equipment was inherited and spent some time in my wife's sister's basement. Her sister is a trained musician, she sings classical music and has a great voice. She likes a lot of pop music as well. With some of the hoard of decent audio equipment in her basement I built a reasonably good system with Rotel components and B&W speakers. I set it all up and auditioned it for her and offered to install it in her house. She could not have cared less. Not impressed at all. The gear went back in her basement and sits there to this day.
A very happy wife,



Are you Jasmine? A happy wife? Honestly are you?

After all these years, LOL you're not pulling our leg are you...

Something is a little strange...

The chicken soup is smelling like chicken skat? Excuse me if I seem a little skeptic...

Who are you Mrs Jasmine? Is all that stuff true? No I'm not trying anything goofy. Just say it's so.. :-) I'll believe ya...

Just so YOU know I never enter a room unless someone else is there with me. Unless it's my partner. I enter first, otherwise a hotel staff member or another gentleman, never alone... It was one of the practices of the 40. Billy Graham was the example...and the author of the practice..

When my wife and I were just roomates partying being our priority I could get her to come sit with me by playing her favorites but we got serious and made a little family and working mom has little free time for herself let alone my hobbies. 
You're not alone.

The first time my wife walked into my living room it consisted of the stereo, Sony Profeel, sofa, cardboard box coffee table which supported a twelve inch glass ashtray.

A promotions director for the Quake FM she was impressed by the reel to reel and perfectly comfortable. A deadly combination, I didn't stand a chance.

When I came home with our Avalon Eidolons she was totally stoked. When someone new visits and they ask why are those things in the middle of the room? She'll sit them down and ask if they like music as she's queuing up a side. 

Whada' do with a women like that?      
There are many reasons, but one of the simplest is this.   I don't know what you do for a living, but if a woman does exactly the same thing, she is getting paid less.  And that few thousand difference?  There goes the discretionary spending that could go into a $50K stereo.  Plus, personal expenses?  Clothes and grooming?  I could go to work in a Bean shirt and sandals and no one batted an eye. None of my female colleagues could do that.  (I doubt any single woman has a "listening room"; actually, I've never known a single man who has one!)  The women I know who manage to get enough money to spend on music (and many of them do), spend it on concert tickets, or say, a piano.