I'm a female audiophile and it's a passion I have never shared with a male partner. Actually, I've only had one male partner since 1985 (we're not married nor do we live together, but we're partners), and I "became" (I guess) an audiophile in 1986, so I've been on my own forever with my audiophilia. He is not an audiophile, but he is an engineer and has an interest in gadgetry, so he used to go with me when I haunted high end audio shops. We would walk in together, and of course the employees would approach him and ask him if he needed help -- at which point he would point to me, and the real conversation would begin. It got so we made sure if we went in together, I would go first, so they would see me first. It didn't always work -- sometimes they would ignore me and still approach him. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm struck by the stereotypes I see repeated on these pages, such as women "don't know how to listen" and "prefer to talk." Please. We know very well how to listen! For goodness sake. I wish more women would get involved, because statements like that are a clear indication that the men have been spending too much time only with other men, and have lost touch with reality a bit.
I'm struck by the stereotypes I see repeated on these pages, such as women "don't know how to listen" and "prefer to talk." Please. We know very well how to listen! For goodness sake. I wish more women would get involved, because statements like that are a clear indication that the men have been spending too much time only with other men, and have lost touch with reality a bit.