World Cup of Audio

Which country would win aWorld Cup of Audio? Tournament rules:
1. Nominate a system of components made by companies in a single country.
2. More than one system can be nominated for a country.
3. System nominations end at midnight EDST on June 23.
4. Cast you vote for what you believe would be the best sounding system, based on experience, what is most important to you in music reproduction, reviews by trusted audiophiles, etc. beginning June 24.
5. Votes will be tallied on July 9.
To get things started, I nominate the following:

Germany 1:
Speakers= mbl 101E Radialstrahler
Amplifier= mbl 9011 (2 amps)
Pre-amp= mbl 6010D
Source= mbl 1622 and mbl 1611E
Cables, Cords= mbl for power cords, ? for cables (need some help here)

Strengths= Synergy, balance, nuance
Weakness= No analog
Odds= A very high seed. Could take it all.

There should be some stiff competition from U.S., Switzerland, Japan, U.K., and other countries. What is your nomination?

Showing 3 responses by d_edwards


1pr. ATC Anniversary 150's Front
2pr. ATC Anniversary 50's Rear & side
1ea. ATC Anniversary 150 Center
4ea ATC Concept 6 Subwoofers
1ea XTA Digital Crossover (for sub delay)
4ea XTA Digital EQ's for subs.
1ea Meridian 861 v.4
1ea Meridian 800

Strengths: Trifield Surround Sound, Dynamic Range, Near perfect synergy over its full Bandwidth, faithful to the source and recorded venue, Linearity, midrange Speed, dynamics and clarity, room correction and the ability to be tuned to different recordings and listeners for best results.

Weaknesses: Predisposition against surround by audiophiles, will not do well in the vacuum of the audiophile belief system. Otherwise the weaknesses are difficult to define, but it has to play a recording, the recordings will be the weakness.

Odds; In a real life head to head contest this system will crush, quite unceremoniously almost all the two channel entries. In the reality of this contest very low odds otherwise, cause this is a battle of opinion and limited experiences.

My experience with this system is it is a converter and dispeller of the belief system that 2 channel is the superior format. Audiophiles come in thinking one way and squirt out the other relieved of the burden of two channel.

Should be a fun thread.
Is it legal in the UK to make fancy cables? Anyone?

Its hard to be ex-cia, nsa and be an English subject is it not? :)

I realize there's no sizzle on my steak, I guess I like being the sleeper underdog. :)

My boys from IXOS just called and they are going to sponsor my system...So I'd like to thank Ixos for stepping up with the exotic freebies.

Only the listener gets tweaked with this system :)

Well the Anniversary editions surpass the System 70 in total acoustic output and equal the 70's in everything but the elaborate cabinet. Something about the 150's and the 15" woofer that just gets it done, but they are big so are not for everyone's house. But I have chosen based on my experience and that the "Anniversary Editions" are the latest hot rod out of the shop with a new box configuration etc.

PHY makes mostly two way speaker systems, they kind of bend the truth IMO about being "fullrange". Decent overall and about the easiest driver short of the Fostex to make a speaker with. I love how all the manufacturers who use PHY go on and on about how difficult the box was to build...LOL!!! I threw a set in a sealed box and a BSS 324 omnidrive, T-amps and BAM!, crushed that $16,000 Oceola? thing with ease on Audio note or something tube amps. In reality you could mount them in the box they come shipped in and they would sound good!

Focal would be the French Powerhouse with YBA front end?


I'm assembling my hooligans right now. J. Gordon Holt as the head hooligan for Huntingdon-Stroud United! Hey let's see some more systems!