Worlds Best Trumpet Player?

I just got this Studio Master Download, and while listening to this masterfull recording and the absolutely incredible playing of Mr.Heuvelman, he sings, speaks and moans with that trumpet,really brings tears to my eyes, I kept thinking is this man whom I have never heard of before, the worlds ''Best''trumpet player? You can listen for free here:
[]After Silence[/url]

well what do you think, anybody out there with such a variety of tone and colour?
Or is it just the incredible quality of the recording that makes me think that?
He's certainly a good trumpet player, but do you really like that music? I'm not saying it's bad - except it is. New-Age noodling at it's best. I really don't mean to be negative. If you like the music, that's all that counts. It does have sort of a meditative quality to it, so anything that helps one relax is OK in my book.
Hispanic perhaps?

This Guy comes up high in a google search on the topic. Google should know..... :^)

This Gal might be the prettiest I have seen and sounds top notch as well.
well I think one has to watch out with the word best, but I'd say that Andre Heuvelman must be one of the worlds foremost trumpet players.Incredible beauty and command of tone color.