I owned a Wright WLA12A which used the 6X5 rectifier. I used both RCA and GE, and I didn't notice much sonic difference between them. However, there was a huge difference in the noise, with both RCAs and one of the GEs generating significantly more noise than the other two GEs. Can't say that's typical; these were all Ebay/Audiogon/friend's tubes, not purchased from commercial tube sellers.
Always wanted to try the Sylvania but sold the preamp before I had a chance. I love Dr. Peppard's stuff and I've talked to him about the 2A and 4A, but WAF and my laziness require a remote.
Always wanted to try the Sylvania but sold the preamp before I had a chance. I love Dr. Peppard's stuff and I've talked to him about the 2A and 4A, but WAF and my laziness require a remote.