Would "Sgt. Pepper's" be a better album if.....

....."Within You Without You" was dropped from the LP and Side 2 began with either "Penny Lane" or "Strawberry Fields"? If so, which of these would best kick off the second side?
dodgealum - I don't want to get embroiled in a "better album" debate :-) though I sort of get where you are going with this. Of your two options, I guess I’d choose Penny Lane given Lennon’s Lucy in the Sky and Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite are already on there. Somehow, to me, Strawberry Fields has a similar feel to both of those (I expect we’ll hear from persons otherwise opinionated). BUT to meet "contractual obligations" to Mr. Harrison, maybe Blue Jay Way would be a good choice??? That (again to me) has a similar feel to Within/Without and avoids a McCartney trifecta on the first 3 tracks of Side 2.  But I ain't sayin' dropping WY/WY to include ANY of those 3 would make it a better album!

While you're at it, cut "With A Little help From My Friends" (a dreadful song, with a dreadful Ringo vocal), "When I'm Sixty-Four" (McCartney at his worst), and perhaps even "Lovely Rita" (a mediocre song at best).

Both "Penny Lane" and "Strawberry Fields Forever" belong on the album, and would greatly improve it. No "Blue Jay Way" though, please. It barely qualifies as a "song", though it IS less bad than "Within You Without You". Almost nothing isn't!

Great cover photo. The amazing thing is the Stones came out with their 3D cover only 3 months later. Pretty fast work.