Some manufacturers (namely over at Audio Circle) pre-launch gear with a "Tour" of specific equipment, which consists of a pre-tour sign-up list, and a commitment by each person on the tour stop to:
- pay shipping to the next person on the tour, and
- to post a short review or comments of their impressions of the gear.
I participated in the Tortuga tube buffer tour about 1-2 years ago and things were civilized and well-run.
As a twist on the OP's idea, maybe the folks here could talk a few manufacturers into offering a "tour" of certain equipment, either popular pieces or maybe new-to-the-market equipment where the word is not out yet. The manufacturer gets free publicity from this group and the benefit that only people interested in the specific equipment on tour would sign up, which means the reviewer's ancillary system equipment and their personal sonic preferences should be aligned with the gear being reviewed. One way to start would be for Audiogon to organize tours of gear by manufacturers who advertise on this site.