Wow .... €50K Headphones ... What next

I didn't think I'll live to see this ... But here it is

Does this mean there is now permission to raise the tide ?!
We live in a country where $100,000,000+ homes are not uncommon, where there are production cars priced at $1,400,000 and there are a half dozen watches that are more expensive than that car. Why should the price of these headphones raise eyebrows? Is it any more outrageous than a pair of $1,500 socks?
I'm with you Onhwy61. When a single Modigliani sells for $170+ million, to a former taxi driver turned billionaire, $50K for headphones seems par for the course. $50K headphones are like $100 hamburgers...pricey, and not something I'd spend my money on, but far from crazy in the grand scheme of today's world.

@B_limo - I think your math is off. If you think someone is only morally "justified" spending $50K on headphones if they've also donated $500K to charity, that means on an equivalent basis you have to give $2500 to charity, not $25 (if you spent $250 on your headphones). And unless we're hypocritical, we'd have to apply that standard across the board, and I'm not going to start asking people who proudly announce their new $1000 speakers if they also gave $10K to charity first. Unless we think affluent people have a greater moral imperative than less-affluent people, which I don't. Then again, who is John Galt?

You are 100% right. These headphones are geared for the rich. They are definitely not made for audiophiles. ( sure there are a few rich audiophiles that might buy them, but not many)

I am sure you will see ads for them in the DuPont registry and the Robb report. That is the market for outrageous priced things. I just got the DuPont registry and there are a ton of ads not car related. Just expensive items for rich people. That is their market.