Wow .... €50K Headphones ... What next

I didn't think I'll live to see this ... But here it is

Does this mean there is now permission to raise the tide ?!
Every $100,000,000+ home has color and smell of human of blood and flesh.
Come closer and feel it.

What are you trying to say? You sound like Dracula. It's creepy.
Here is Minnesota the conditions for growing veggies and other foods that are actually good for humans are ideal.
But for 500 miles east and west virtually nothing grows but the most useless crop every grown by man, the one that is hardest on the soil and requires the most pesticides , herbicides , and fertilizer of any thing grown.
Indeed in the SW quad of the state there is no water fit to swim in and an 800 ft well brings up only water totally unfit to drink
Ask a farmer why he grows corn ,as I have many times,and you get a blank stare and always the same reply" "its a cash crop" And so it is for Monsanto and the commodity speculators .

And everything in the MN grocery store is trucked in from CA and Fl or ports , and if the grid is broken and those trucks don't roll in a month there will be millions of dead
rotting in the Twin Cities . ISIS is the least of our worries ,our entire system is utterly insane and thats why we have 55K headphones .
Insanity sounds like an effective pastime. Us audio kooks should know. 🤑
Schubert, Homo Sapiens is still a very young and undeveloped species. There is a hope that in time it will find less insane ways of living.
But until this happens I would get me Koenigseg Swedish custom sports car for $2 million if I could. I read about it and watched videos, I think it's worth it. I can also see where a lot of resources and innovations went. But I would not spend $1 million on Ferrari, Buggatti, McLaren etc. Nor would I spend $55k on Senheiser phones.
As for farmers, I can never understand them. Maybe it is because in my heart I am a hunter-gatherer.