Wyred 4 Sound and Thiels

Has anyone tried Wyred 4 Sound with Thiels? I am considering a W4S STI 500 integrated amp for use with Thiel 1.6's. Also, would you upgrade to the STI 1000 if I ultimately plan to use with Thiel 2.4's. Thanks
I would like to know the same thing. Just this week I was at local audio dealer and mentioned I might want to try the Wyred 4 Sound class D power amp with some Thiel CS 3.6's that I am considering buying. He replied that this would not be a good synergy and that the sound would be too thin. I believe him but wonder is this something that can be remedied with proper break in and using different power cords and interconnects....
Sorry not to contribute, but I, too, would like to know how a high powered ICE amp might sound with a pair of 3.6s.
Another Thiel owner interested in the Wyred 4 Sound amps. For absolutely no good reason, I'm guessing these amps might sound better with Vandersteens.
Not the Wyred amp but I used the Bel Canto S500 with the Thiel 1.6s. It was a nice match IMO. It's been a while so specifics are difficult to recall but don't remember ever being disappointed.