Wyred DAC-2 vs. PS Audio PWave

Does anyone have experience comparing these two DAC's? I'm deciding between them, having heard neither in person. Even though their price points are a bit off both seem highly regarded. My primary sources would be CD and USB (from macMini).
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Showing 6 responses by erikminer

Right now I'm using a Cullen moded sonos as a source. When I get the Bridge I'll be able to fairly answer that. I don't think the sonos is a good enough source to fully judge the PWD.
I have a PWD and a W4S Dac 1. I'm using Sonos to feed them. I'd say that over all the PWD is just more refined. The W4S is very very good, the PS is just a bit better, refined is the best way to describe it. What I'm waiting on is the PS Bridge, I suspect that will take the PWD to another level.
My point was that my music files streamed through the Bridge should sound much better than my Sonos as a source. In fact so far all reports are that the Bridge sounds pretty much exactly like a PWT.
Those filters may be the reason I think the pwd sounds more refined than the W4S dac.