Wyred4Sound Dac-2 vs Preamp and separate DAC

I’m about to upgrade to either the Wyred4Sound DAC-2 to use as a Preamp/Dac or possibly considering a used Classe Audio CP-60 and Wyred4sound DAC-1. If I’m only going to use a CD transport and USB to play lossless files is there any advantage to having the separate Preamp/DAC setup. I would personally think the Dac-2 would be the cleaner path but I’m a little worried about the digital volume control. Any opinions welcome. Preamp also doesn’t have to be Classe but some type of balanced pre along those lines.

Showing 1 response by gmudunuri

My experience has been very similar to Agb100's. I compared the W4S DAC-2 direct to a pair of W4S mAMPs vs. with a W4S STP-SE preamp in between. I strongly prefer the direct mode - it sounds cleaner, more transparent and punchier. The STP-SE is an excellent preamp, but eliminating additional circuitry and interconnects really improves the sound.