Wyred4Sound Modified Sonos

Looking for some real world feedback from those that have had their Sonos modified by Wyred4Sound?  Any info you can provide would prove useful.  Also, if anyone has one they're looking to sell, I may be interested.

Showing 2 responses by mrotino

I actually purchased the sonos connect modified already by Wyred for Sound.  I don't believe they give the option to buy the connect modified all in one unit any longer as the Connect is not available for purchase.  
I purchased it three years ago and it sounded excellent.  The only drawback is it doesn't play high resolution format only cd format.  However I can't say for sure high resolution is really any better sounding, maybe a little but depends on the recording.
I've since upgraded to a metrum ambre streamer to go along with my metrum onyx dac and the difference between the modified connect and ambre is minor.  The sound is a little smoother and a little more analog like with the ambre and the ambre can play all resolutions but it's close.  The modified connect sounded very good from its coaxial connection.  The ambre has a custom i2s connection which is a better digital connection and intended to connect to Metrum dacs so that is why I purchased the ambre.  
My modified connect is 16/44 output.  I didn't want the connect upsampling as that can be done via computer software of the dac and I believe the upsampler in the modified sonos would probably be inferior to other upsampling options. I prefer not to upsample and just play music in its native format.

Anyway I may be interested in selling my connect, let me know how it goes.  
I used the modded Sonos Connect with a TG audio silver power cord and Wywires digital silver coax cable and the TG audio was plugged into a PS audio powerplant.  I even put a lead weight on the sonos as it is very light. I have to say it sounded very good and I agree with the previous comment that a better streamer such as my metrum ambre streamer via I2s is just a bit better on more complex music but the sonos does sound very good. My brother in law has a bluesound node 2i and we compared the modifed sonos coax with the blusound coax output and in my metrum dac the sonos was clearly better sounding.  I plan on using my connect in another system and as a backup to the metrum ambre.  
But I agree at this point the modified connect cannot do high resolution and there are other newer options available.  But if cd resolution is all you are interested in, the modification does improve the sound a lot.