Xindak power cords.. FP-1 verses FP-Gold

I just bought a Xindak SCD-2 and noticed its VERY power cord dependent.
A swap in interconnects also is very apparent.
I've noticed silver works wonders for this already fine player.
I switched out the stock power cord with a cheap Asylum Cord.
I didnt really expect much to change with this level of cord.
The music was fuller and soundstage deeper with the Asylum Cord.I was surprised to say the least.
Im going to buy a Xindak PC in the next few days.
Im wondering if anyone has compared the FP-1 directly with the FP-Gold?
I am sort of leaning towards the FP-1 as it 'appears' to have more silver in it than the FP-Gold.
Correct me if I am wrong please.
So,is there a big difference between the 2 power cords?
