xStream speaker cables and B&W 804s

I was wondering if anyone has experience with a combo like this? I have heard the B&Ws described as bright (I love them as they are) and I have heard the Xstream bi-wires described as warm. I am thinking the combo might be a good balance. My other thought is a set of Wireworld Equinox 5s, but not bi-wire. I have a Parasound preamp and amp with Wireworld Polaris 5 interconnects.

Any comments appreciated.
Check out "Absolute Sounds" April/May 2004 review of numerous speaker cables. After reading it I made a pair of 10 ga - copper biwire cables. Results were outstanding ..... bass response increased and overall sound stage improved as well. Inexpensive improvement with big dividends. Running 804s with Bryston 4BSST amp. I never would have believed it if I had not read it first and then made a pair.
I have an 8 foot pair of the x Stream Statements for sale, I rate them a 9/10. Have both bananas and spades, boxes and velvet bags. $400.00 plus shipping obo, retail was $900.00, Brian

04-16-08: Yesrogers
I have an 8 foot pair of the x Stream Statements for sale, I rate them a 9/10. Have both bananas and spades, boxes and velvet bags. $400.00 plus shipping obo, retail was $900.00, Brian

You can get the new xStream Reference 8' biwire from underwood for about the same price!