Yamaha CX 2 preamp verse say a Rotel RC 995?

I am looking into a Yamaha CX 2 preamp and wondering if anyone has had any experience with it?  I have had older Yamaha units but I understand this last go round in the early to mid 90s with the CX 2 was a different deal.  The Rotel RC 995 is a point of comparison but I always felt they were smooth but a  a little veiled sounding. The opposite  of the power amps.  Thanks
The preamp is the most important piece to get right. I would hold off and save up for something good, and definitely not vintage. If you don't have anything, get a passive for the time being.
 I am using a B@k 4420 and a PT 3 tuner preamp which may? be equal or better then those mentioned  Would like remote, phono and headphone.  $200 to $300 used. .Not vintage?? It has been my take most older gear sounds richer and more musical then much of the hyper detailed thin sounding unmusical  gear today .  Not to mention better built.  I have heard and seen many people comment about this.   I am talking about the very affordable mid fi gear not the big buck stuff. I worked in the audio biz and saw things tip over and head down hill. I have also tried the NAD C 160 and 162 and Rotel RC 1070
OK, so we are looking for a preamp with remote, phonostage and headphone output for $300 which will be at least sonically equal to the PT-3.  Well, I need to think on this.

I owned the B&K ST-140 amp and Pro10 preamp at one time (for ~25 years). Thought them to be a high quality entry into the 'High End'. I would have had to spend much more to do better. 
" Not vintage?? It has been my take most older gear sounds richer and more musical then much of the hyper detailed thin sounding unmusical gear today . Not to mention better built."

Can you give some examples? I can't think of any vintage preamps that I would want to own.