Yamamoto YDA 01 DAC

Is there any Agoner have this Yamamoto dac and could share his comments on how its sound?
Thanks for the update Charles. This is one I would really like to hear in the 1k DAC sweepstakes, it sounds very promising.
Forgot to mention that the Octave has a seperate 14VA power supply and is non oversampling and based on the R/2R architecture. Due to it being NOS I expected it to be natural and somewhat smooth. What surprised me are the dynamics,detail-articulation and ultra resolution.
If this is how NOS sounds with proper design and execution then I`m completely sold on it, there`s no mush or muck at all.
Thanks a ton Charles. Another interesting review this is. How is the bass. Is it a bit one note as someone else pointed ?

I will wait for your unit to burn in and then hear your final comments before placing the order.
Hi Charles,

I've been following this thread, since I have an Octave on order as well.

Are you using any sort of software upsampling, say with Pure Music or similar program? I'd be interested to hear what you think with and without upsampling. Everyone I've read seems to prefer it with software upsampling done by the computer, but that doesn't mean you will.

- David
David, I am using Wave Editor and routinely upsample 16/44.1 files, first 16->24 bit, then 44.1->88.2 kHz (relative order matters here). I prefer the sound of these upsampled 24/88.1 kHz files, it appears smoother, more liquid, but the difference is not dramatic. I am using Amarra 2.32, Audiophilleo2 and Metrum Octave.