You're favorite CD for breaking in new speakers...

My recently purchased speakers (Escalante Design's Fremonts) came with setup instructions that suggested NOT using burn-in specific discs. They feel that full range titles with dense midranges work best.

So my cd title of choice has been and is Tori Amos' "Strange Little Girls". Vocals are very rich and palpable, synth bass goes deep and highs are very extended. Though several cuts may have limited appeal there is much to enjoy, but hey, I've always been a fan.

All suggestions appreciated as I have several hundred more hours to go.

Showing 3 responses by rhirsch

Funny you should suggest Radiohead. I just got back from a cable shootout this afternoon. The first vinyl that was spun was Radiohead. I think it was an EP. I heard much of what you describe. I'll give it a listen at Borders tonight. Thanks!
If they weren't so heavy I would lug them up your way for a demo. The tweeter is amazing... just hours out of the crates and highs were sublime.
I think soundtracks are often a good choice. I've been told the soundtrack for "The Thin Red Line" is a good choice as well as "The Planet of the Apes".