I am 59. I delayed going to CDs in the '80s as a LP purist. Then kicked myself ever since because LPs and CDs were a huge PIA. How many hours of my life were lost just cleaning LPs, how many hisses and pops did I hear even with upgrading TTs, cartridges, and cleaning products fairly often? Then I loved CDs and delayed switching to streaming - when I upgraded my system I ever bought SACDs and remastered and gold CDs of my favorite music. But steaming tempted me as there was always a list of CDs to purchase and replace and it was a PIA to get them out to play and put back in their often broken case and organize them. So I boughglt an entry level streamer. I had dozens of CDs now sitting open, in piles, gathering dust because I can't be arsed into putting them away. Streaming is Nirvana. As least as good sounding as CDs with virtually no hassle. Though,to be honest, I still have that big to buy an "album" now and again.
What amazes me is why anyone would EVER play a LP again, baffling they've made a comeback. It's like wanting to have no A/C in your house or driving a horse and buggy.