Your favorite obscure ECM album

Over the years this label has pumped out a huge catalog of lesser known artists, some of whom I love.

Some of my favorite ECM discoveries include:
Art Lande/Jan Garbarek: Red Lanta
Steve Tibbetts: Yr
Contact Trio: New Marks
John Surman: Upon Reflection
Masqualero: Aero
Bennie Maupin: Jewel in the Lotus
John Abercrombie: Gateway
Terje Rypdal: Whenever I Seem To Be Far Away

Anyone have a favorite ECM discovery?
I don't know if this is "obscure" but the Pat Metheny Group "American Garage" is a good one on ECM.
Contact Trio, New Marks is an amazing score for anyone who apprecites Mahavishnu Orch., King Crimson, Brand X, or insrtumental Zappa. Superb recording quality, lots of nimble angular almost deranged playing from some incredibly skilled guys. Good luck finding it.

Eberhard Weber, The Following Morning. Not as many RPM's as Contact Trio, but it feels like a dream that you don't want to wake up from. A couple of the compositions on this one are impossible to forget.

Lookout Farm. Pretty interesting Jazz rock record that has a certain restraint and atmosphere that I haven't heard on other Liebman or Abercrombie records.

1st Everyman Band.Twisted exploding Dolphy cartoons w/ lots of razor sharp David Torn guitar.

Louis Sclavis, Acoustic Quartet, L'Affrontment des Pretendants,and Les Violences de Rameau. All 3 have plenty of fire and are very well put together. Lots of detailed interlocking parts are executed by exceptionally peceptive players.

Great picks Benthar.
Another vote for Tibbetts "YR". Kieth Jarrett " Your Song". How is the new Eberhard Weber?
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