Your favourite recordings that everyone else hates

Any of you have favourites that were rejected by reviewers and / or the public in general ? Well, here's your chance to bare your soul and plead your case before the Audiogon Court of Jesters : )

How about discs that you love even though the recordings are decidedly "lo-fi" ? Bootleg's don't really count, but you can list them anyhow : ) Sean
Actually, most of Costello's work up through at least "Imperial Bedroom" was critically adored and sold fairly well. The first album has a much different sound than those that followed, but the backing band was also different too. Of his records that I like (especially the first three), I enjoy the sound (see the current thread The Finest Technically Recorded Album for my take/tirade on why audiophilic considerations shouldn't necessarily apply to rock productions.)
I have an impression that a lot of Joan Siberrry's fans hate When I Was a Boy. I think it's brilliant and the only album of hers I have heard that I really love.
none of my friends understand why I love the album"Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel "A Closer Look"
It must be 30 years ago I bought the first LP by New York punk band "the Dictators". Once in a while I still listen to it.
Jkaway: You are obviously a person of highly refined taste and discriminating judgement, not to mention a few years ahead of your time, since these guys basically schooled the Ramones before anyone had heard of either of them beyond NYC (an indignant Dave Marsh infamously didn't get the joke and gave all their original albums zero stars in the old Rolling Stone Record Guides). The Dics weren't recorded with passable sound until their third (and break-up) LP, "Bloodbrothers" ('78) - their sophomore effort "Manifest Destiny" ('77) being the worst offender sound-wise. The latter-day Dics offshoot Manitoba's Wild Kingdom had a relative left-field success (critically too) with "...And You?" at the dawn of the 90's, and subsequently the band reunited for touring (they still kill live) and then recorded a new CD a couple of years ago, "D.F.F.D." (Dictators Forever, Forever Dictators). Their second and third LP's were on Asylum (of all places) after the '75 Epic debut, and are still fairly easily found at better used record stores - something I highly recommend doing for "Go Girl Crazy" fans like yourself, or anyone else who enjoys humorous hard rock with a punk attitude and a pop heart (audiophile weenies consider yourselves warned!). Also check out