Your Forever Pieces? What and Why?

Pretty sure a number of members have some equipment they have owned forever or intend to where feasible.
Curious as to what, how long so far and why?
Why?  Pure Love.  Nostalgia.  Remembering how you felt about these treasures back in that stage of your life.  In 1972, I bought my first serious Stereo System.  I wanted a B&O BG4000 TT so bad I could taste it but settled for a Sony 2251 with a B&O SP adapter.  Still have it, still love to look at it, and if I ever get around to restoring it, I'll still love listening to it, at least now and then. If you ever see it on eBay, it'll be because one of my Grandkids is cleaning house.  I didn't scrimp on the speakers though.  Back in those days, $500 a side was a lot of money for a pair of Tannoy Stuarts.  At least my Wife,  (ex), thought so.  Oh, I paid dearly for those Speakers.  But, the joy they've given me over the years was worth a whole lot more.  The best part is, I can let the 'HDL' Placebos run wild, because I can still hear how FABULOUS it sounded then, back in the day.  Back when you could REALLY hear the difference excellence and mediocrity.     Thanks for the great Thread Uberaltz!
The modded Audio Research D79 power amp I bought here on Audiogon a few years back, which is the long-sought replacement for a D79b that I had in the ‘80’s and wish I’d never sold. 

I also keep a D90b as a backup just in case the 79 needs to go away for service. 

On on the list of pieces I regret selling are a Krell KSA250 that was magic with B&W 802’s, a Willie Hermann rebuilt Nakamichi ZX7 and an Equitech RQ10 balanced power unit
Thank you for all the kind words from the posters who are enjoying this thread.
Myself I am getting a huge kick out of it by seeing names that are  a blast from the past and discovering "new" equipment I had never even heard of before.
thank you one and all!
Oldest would be my Pioneer SX750 receiver, bought new in 1976. Was in use until a few years ago. Still not going anywhere. That $315 doesn't sound like much today, but it was back then to a teenager making $4/hour.It's replacement two years ago was a Luxman L-590AX. I don't see that going anywhere anytime soon, either.
Meridian DSP 8000 speakers. These are not SL or SE but every time I sit down and listen they reveal more. They are so pleasant at any volume for hours without fatigue to the listener.